lichuanshi-wangyingzhen specialty

Enshi Black Pork

The black pig in western Hubei is the general name of the black pig in the Enshi mountainous area. The main feeding method is grazing and feeding. Generally, the more economical feeding method is pasture feeding, and the locally produced corn, beans, potatoes, and red carp are used as supplement materials. Enshi black pork is bright red, delicate and juicy. It is rich in mineral elements and unsaturated fatty acids required by the human body such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc and selenium. It is a treasure in food.

Enshi Yellow Beef

Enshi Yellow Beef is also called Enshi Yellow Cattle Snowflake Beef. Beef fat is deposited between the muscle fibers to form a distinct red and white, marble-like beef. Enshi Yellow Cattle Snowflake Beef is delicate, tender and delicious.

Lichuan Yam

Icheon Yam has more than 1,500 years of planting history in Icheon City. The authentic mountain food is a “green wind” from the mountains. It is rich in rare trace elements such as selenium and tellurium. It is sweet and has no side effects. It is medically A commonly used traditional Chinese medicine is also a kind of superior nourishing vegetables and natural health products that people like to eat.

Icheon Gongfu Black Tea

Icheon, the river of profit. Two hundred years ago, Yihong Gongfu Tea originated here and enjoys a worldwide reputation. The core belt of Xingdoushan National Nature Reserve is located in the Maoba area of ​​Lichuan City, with a total area of ​​1751 meters. The typical valley climate has produced a high-quality organic tea garden comparable to the Assam Valley, and has grown a special gift of "Tianci Cold After the Dragon" - - Lichuan Red.