liupanshuishi-liuzhitequ specialty

Liuzhi konjac

The six konjac is a specialty of the Liuzhishui Special Zone in Liupanshui, Guizhou. The Liuzhi Special Zone has planted more than 3,800 acres of konjac. Six konjac are widely planted in Langka, Mugang, Xinyao, Xinhua and other towns and towns, and they have conquered many food lovers with their unique taste.

Liupanshui Bitter Rice

Liupanshui Bitter Rice has a long history of planting and is well-known in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. Its shape is dark yellow or yellow, uniform in color, granular, with a small amount of powder, no mildew, slightly bitter, and buckwheat flavor. The characteristics of Liupanshui Bitter Rice are remarkable. It is rich in protein, starch, fat and dietary fiber, cellulose and various trace elements. It has high nutritional value and medical functions, reducing blood pressure, blood sugar and blood fat, beauty and beauty. Enhance human immunity, and help patients with diabetes, coronary heart disease, cancer and other aspects have a good effect.

Liupanshui Buckwheat Tea

Liupanshui Bitter Tea is a kind of health-care brewing beverage made from the excellent bitterness produced in the high-altitude area of ​​Liupanshui and refined by traditional processing techniques. Processing technology and drinking methods are similar to tea, so it is called bitter tea, but it is different from traditional tea, black tea, flower tea, black tea, white tea, etc., strictly speaking, it is a kind of fried rice tea. . The bitter buckwheat after brewing can be chewed. There are two kinds of bitter tea, ordinary bitter tea (yellow brown) and black bitter tea. The two kinds of bitter tea are different because of different bitter varieties. After processing, they have well preserved their nutritional value, especially Black bitter tea is also known as the "black pearl."

Shuicheng Black Goat

Shuicheng Black Goat has the characteristics of fast growth, good meat production and good skin quality. The black goat muscle fiber is fine, the meat is tender, the taste is delicious, the taste is very small, and the nutritional value is high. It is recognized as a green goat breed. The meat quality analysis is carried out by the authoritative department. The protein content is as high as 20%, the fat is less than 3%, and the cholesterol content is only 60mg/kg, 15 kinds of amino acids are complete, especially the human body must be rich in amino acids, strong nourishing effect, long-term consumption, can tonic, strong body, especially suitable for elderly, infirm, sick, often eat black goats Or with appropriate nourishing drugs to achieve the role of tonic, health, and longevity.


Six gentian gentian has been in the history of hundreds of years. It is a well-known Chinese medicinal material in Guizhou. It is a perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Gentiana, which is mainly distributed in hillside grassland, forest margin and sparse shrubs above 1000 meters above sea level in Liuzhi District. in. The quality characteristics of six gentian gentian are significant, and the indicators are outstanding. The content of gentiopicroside is more than 8.0%, the ash content is less than 6.5%, and the moisture content is less than 8.5%. Because of its outstanding quality characteristics, Liuzhi gentian is deeply loved by drug dealers and Chinese herbal medicine doctors, and its market popularity is very high. Liuzhi gentian is clinically used for damp heat jaundice, vaginal itching, vaginal discharge, eczema itching, liver fire eye red, deafness and deafness, hypochondriac pain, strong, convulsive convulsions and other symptoms.

Luobie Cherry

The fall cherries are specialties of the Liuzhishui Special Zone in Liupanshui, Guizhou. The Liuzhi Special Zone is rich in cherries, and is famous for its large grain, sweet taste and moisture. The cherries have long been famous for their bright red skin, sweet and juicy flesh, and thick and small flesh. "Falling Cherry" has been cultivated for a long time. Due to the unique geographical environment and climatic conditions of the Liuzhi Special Zone, the "Falling Cherry" planted with bright red color, fresh flesh, juicy and juicy, sweet and sour. "Falling Cherries" has long been famous and has a profound humanistic environment. To a certain extent, it has become a sustenant of “homesickness”, and every year when cherries mature, it attracts tourists to pick.

Nine-layer mountain tea

Jiudian Mountain Tea is a famous specialty of the Liuzhishui Special Zone in Liupanshui, Guizhou Province. The tea garden is distributed on the Jiupi Mountain in the Liuzhi Special Zone where the ancient Yelang culture is located. The average elevation of the Jiudian Mountain is above 1800 meters. The soil layer is deep and fertile, the soil quality is weakly acidic, and the unique environment produces a different layer of Shangchai. The finished nine-layer mountain tea is low-fat, yellow-green and bright, clear and quiet, and has a long aftertaste. The Jiudian Mountain tea is of good quality and rich in nutrients. It is rich in organic matter, various minerals, and tea polyphenols. It has the effect of beauty and beauty, longevity and refreshment.

YanWen Waxberry

Yanjiao Town is a well-known Yangmei Village in Liuzhi District. There are more than 300 ancient Chinese bayberry trees in the last millennium. The largest ancient bayberry tree needs two adults to hold hands together. The red bayberry color is sweet and sweet. The fruit is small, small and of good quality, and is loved by people in the six branches and surrounding areas.

LangDai Kiwi

Langtao kiwifruit has a strong aroma, thin skin, juicy juice, fruity sweet and sour, unique flavor, high sweetness, high sweetness, high quality, popular with tourists, good picking market, and also for farmers Bring considerable income.

Yanjiao Noodles

The foot of the ancient town is the main road leading to the Yelang Kingdom and the Nanxia Panyu. It was called the Black Ocean Dagu, and it was originally a primitive forest. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it developed into a village and town, and it has a history of more than 500 years. During the period of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the foot of the rock was the distribution center of Sichuan Salt, and it was also the commercial center of more than a dozen counties in the west of Fujian. The rock foot not only has a long history, but also has beautiful scenery and beautiful environment. The unique geographical, water, climate and vegetation have created a famous 100-year-old face inside and outside the province—rock foot surface (naturally fragrant, slippery, crisp). The mystery of Japanese experts who went to the rock foot to explore the rock foot noodles also failed. Rock foot noodles are a must, fine as silver, crisp as spring bamboo shoots, delicious. Outsiders praised: "It’s a good-looking but a good guy, but it’s delicious."