luxian-fujizhen specialty

Luzhou Liquor

The brewing of Luzhou Laojiao wine, the aura of Zhongtiandi, the essence of the sun and the moon, the root of Huaxia, the brewing of the world. Its steaming and brewing, storage and alcoholization process not only opens the first of China's Luzhou-flavor liquor, but also is a monument to the history and culture of Chinese brewing.

Niutan Ginger

Gengtan ginger, with excellent quality and unique local flavor, has fresh and tender ginger, slender roots, smooth skin, fine meat and less gluten. It has a reputation for “brittle, fragrant and tender”. The reputation of “Growthless Ginger” is a good raw material for making Sichuan flavored ginger. Niutan ginger is an important ingredient and can also be used as medicine. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" has long been described as "Jiang Xin, Wei Wen, Non-toxic", "In addition to wind and cold, heat, spleen and stomach, disperse cold, stop vomiting, cure nausea". The folk "winter to eat radish in the summer to eat ginger, not to open a prescription for doctors" is also widely spread. Niutan ginger has a long history of planting. It has a history of 1800 years. In the historical materials of Jixian County, there are many records of “Niutan ginger is a specialty in the county” and “Ginger of Niulan is very famous”.

Luxian Green Sichuan Pepper

Jixian green pepper, Rutaceae pepper plant. It is not only an important condiment and spice, but also has a certain medicinal value. It has the effects of dispelling cold, dehumidifying, qi, analgesic, disinfecting and sterilizing. The green pepper cultivation in Jixian County has a long history and excellent texture. In recent years, it has gradually developed into an important pillar industry for agricultural and rural economic development in Jixian County, with great local characteristics.