machengshi-yantianhezhen specialty

Guancheng tea Oil

Macheng tea oil is mainly produced in Futianhe Town, Macheng City, in the hinterland of Dabie Mountain. The climate here is pleasant. Camellia oleifera is cultivated throughout the year, and its nutrients come from natural, non-polluting air and fertile soil. It has dual value of food and medicine. Therefore, Macheng also has the reputation of “the hometown of Chinese camellia”.

Fuzihe Fish Noodle (Fuzi River Squid)

Macheng Fuzi River fish noodles, commonly known as "salmon (fish), is a traditional specialty food in Fuzihe Town, with a history of more than a thousand years. Mainly made of fresh fish, fine glutinous rice and salt as raw materials, it is hand-made by folk tradition. It has health effects such as brain strengthening, blood pressure lowering, prevention of coronary heart disease, clear and fragrant taste, smooth and tender taste. It is a low cholesterol, pure natural green nutritious food. It is a must-have meal and gift for the local festival and the surrounding counties of the Fuzi River.