shenyangshi-lengzibaozhen specialty

Liaozhong crucian carp

The Liaozhong squid is native to the Liaohe and Puhe natural waters in Liaozhong County. After the artificial breeding of aquatic science and technology personnel in Liaozhong County, the industrialized breeding of squid in Liaozhong has achieved great success. The squid in Liaozhong is long in shape, thick and tall, short in head, dark gray on the back, and gray in the abdomen. Because of its tender meat, the slices are garlic-like, the meat is delicious, high in protein, low in fat, high in nutritional value, beneficial to maternal breastfeeding and healing, and has the nourishing effect of Jianweiyi, which has been loved by people since ancient times. . The squid in Liaozhong has now traveled abroad and went to the international table.

Liaozhong Hanfu apple

A spring breeze, 10,000 acres of apple blossoms bloom at the same time, how is it grand and amazing scene? In the land of Liaoshen, in Liaozhong. Liaozhong is located in the heartland of the Liaohe Plain, so it is rich in water and fertile soil. It has both beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River and vastness in the northern plains. "Liaozhong Hanfu Apple" is a new apple variety with independent intellectual property rights developed under this specific natural condition. It is a unique local product in Liaozhong County. Its fruit is large, short cylindrical, straight, bright in appearance, crisp and juicy, not only sweet and sour, but also fragrant and fragrant, and the nutrient content is extremely high.

Liaozhong Rose

Liaozhong Rose, a special product of Liaozhong County, Liaoning Province, China's geographical indication products. Liaozhong County has a long history and a wide variety of planting roses. Due to the flat terrain and fertile soil in Liaozhong, especially due to the unique microclimate formed by the Liaohe River, the sunshine is sufficient and the air is humid, which creates the natural conditions for the growth of roses. It was recognized by the People's Government of Liaoning Province as the hometown of "flowers" of Liaoning specialty products. The roses produced are bright, beautiful and rich in aroma. They are very popular among the market and consumers. They are especially cherished by the citizens of Shenyang. They have been selected as the city flower of Shenyang City. They have won the 6th China Flower Expo flower display. Class second prize, third prize; the second rose flower exhibition in the country, rose fresh cut flower gold award, rose bonsai silver award.

Liaozhong grape

Liaozhong grape is a traditional agricultural product in Liaozhong County. It is a regional specialty product and a traditional brand. Liaozhong grape is a combination of natural ecological conditions and traditional cultivation techniques. It has been gradually developed through long-term practice, cultivation and innovation. The grapes in Liaozhong are non-nuclear, natural purple-red, and yellow-green in flesh. They are famous for their thin and juicy skin, sweet and sour taste, rich nutrition, and rich rose fragrance.

Liaozhong Rice

"Liaoning Central, Ecological Water City". Liaozhong County is naturally moist and has a unique climate. The four rivers of Liaohe River, Weihe River, Puhe River and Huanyang River pass through the territory, have abundant water resources, have fertile black land, have abundant sunshine, and have a unique microclimate in Liaohe River. The rice in Liaozhong, which grows in this unique ecological environment, is the aura of the heavens and the earth, the essence of all things, the grain is full and the filling is high. Rice in Liaozhong is full of rice grains, crystal clear and transparent, and the cooked rice grains are complete, soft and oily, and lasting for a long time. The rice is not rejuvenated after cooling and has the unique characteristics of stickiness. It is popular among people as a staple food.