xinminshi-dahongqizhen specialty

Liangshan Watermelon

Liangshan Watermelon, a specialty of Liangshan Town, Xinmin City, Liaoning Province. Xinmin City is known as the “hometown of watermelon”. Liangshan Town and several surrounding towns have good soil permeability, small rainfall, large temperature difference between day and night, and are very beneficial to the accumulation of sugar in fruits. The watermelon produced is called “Liangshan Watermelon”. "It is known for its large skin, delicate flesh, sweet and refreshing appearance, bright appearance and good merchandise."

Liuhegou cantaloupe

Liuhegou cantaloupe is famous for its high quality and good taste. Liuhegou cantaloupe has good disease resistance, stable growth and neat fruit shape; the skin is thin, but resistant to transportation; the melon type is mostly oval, the surface is smooth, the nodes are short, the skin color is bright and bright, the pattern is clear, and the smell is sweet; The melon is white, brittle, and fiber-free. The flesh is about 2 cm thick. It is fine and sweet, has no slag, and has a small quality gradient. The quality of the skin is similar to that of the heart. It has a good taste and excellent flavor. Liuhegou cantaloupe is rich in nutrients and contains protein, carbohydrate, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, fructose, sucrose, glucose and so on.