danjiangkoushi-junxianzhen specialty

Danjiangkou Elopichthys bambusa

鳡[gǎn] fish is extremely fierce, known as "water tiger", freshwater shark. The squid swimming in the water is extremely fast, and the scales of the squid are tender and easy to be injured. Compared with the squid, the squid is more likely to die after the water is discharged. When the squid is taken out of the water for 10 seconds, an anoxic condition occurs. Danjiangkou squid, special product of Danjiangkou City, Hubei Province. Compared with the carp in other parts of the Yangtze River Valley, Danjiangkou carp has different morphological structures and better quality. It has four characteristics: one is the back of the body, the peritoneum is white, the surface gloss is good, and the lower part of the pelvic fin and caudal fin is yellow. . Second, the growth rate is fast and the individual is large. The largest individual is more than 2 meters long and weighs 60 kilograms. Third, the muscle quality is good and the protein content is high. Fourth, there is no muddy smell and good merchandise.

Wudang Tangerine

Wudang Tangerine has the characteristics of bright color, beautiful fruit shape, delicate flesh, juicy juice residue and rich flavor. It has won the "Quality Products of the Ministry of Agriculture", "Quality Products of Hubei Province", "Top Ten Famous Fruits of Hubei" and "Chinese Names" "" and other honorary titles. There are many varieties of Wudang oranges, with "Tail Strong" and "Kamei" as the best varieties. The fruit can be eaten up to 67%, juice is 51.6%, sugar is 9.5 grams per 100 milliliters of juice, acid is 0.77-1.04 grams, and soluble solids are 11.5%. The canned Wudang oranges produced in Danjiangkou City are very popular among Chinese and foreign tourists.

Wudang plum

Wudang Yumei, a fruit unique to Danjiangkou City, Hubei Province, is not only golden in appearance, attractive in appearance, but also has a refreshing flavor, moderate sweet and sour taste, and rich nutritional value.榔梅非李非杏, 非桃非梅, and like Li Qixing, like peach-like plum, with outstanding quality characteristics.

Danjiangkou Spanish mackerel

Danjiangkou Suiqiu, special product of Danjiangkou City, Shiyan City, Hubei Province. Originally the Yangtze River and Hanjiang indigenous fish species, due to the construction of the Danjiangkou dam, the regional characteristic products that have been proliferated in a specific environment, with mouth upturned, red lines under the eyes, back muscles protruding, back blue-gray, abdomen silver-white, individual large , meat and other characteristics.

Danjiangkou Bighead

Danjiangkou squid is a specialty of Danjiangkou City, Hubei Province. Danjiangkou squid is commonly known as paralyzed, fat head fish. Danjiangkou squid has been certified as a national organic product for four consecutive years, and its reputation is extremely high.

Danjiangkou Green Shrimp

Danjiangkou green shrimp, high quality aquatic products in Danjiang City, Hubei Province. Danjiangkou green shrimp is a pure natural aquatic product that naturally breeds, grows and catches. It has the characteristics of thin shell and full meat and high protein content.