xinghuashi-xinduozhen specialty

Xinghua Chives

Xinghua scallions are tender, spicy and fragrant. They have no roots and stems, and the stems are round and tubular. They are white, the leaves are tubular, the new leaves are blue-green, and the mature leaves are dark green. Dry product: The grain shape is neat and uniform, the leaves are blue-green, the sheath is milky white, and it has the unique scent of scallions and no odor.

Xinghua red wheat

Xinghua has a vast water area and is known as “three-point green water and seven-point fertile soil”. It is a famous “ecological water town” in the country. Xinghua red-skinned wheat has high powder yield, low pink and white ash, and moderate gluten. High stability, good dough elasticity; good food processing performance, suitable for making high quality steamed bread and noodles, can also be used to make flower bread; good food quality, pure color and fragrance.

Xinghua Rice

Xinghua's waters are vast, and the average height of the ground is 1.8 meters. There are five lakes and eight rivers in the territory. There are 22 main rivers. The middle and small rivers are criss-crossed and dense like a spider web. It is known as the “Jianghuai Fudi and the Pearl of the Water Town”. Xinghua rice has small white belly, hard plasmids, full rice, crystal clear, soft and oily, long-lasting fragrance and excellent taste.

Xinghua hairy crab

The hairy crabs produced by Xinghua have a characteristic, that is, the red oil and fat, and the pieces of crab paste are as bright and colorful as the pomegranate. They are thick and mellow, and they are particularly refreshing to eat. I can’t wait for the “Fahai monk” in the crab shell. Eat it. At this time, if you drink some yellow wine, it will be even more wonderful. It not only adds the savory taste of the crab but also removes the coldness in the body. It really kills two birds! According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: crabs have the effect of Shujinyiqi, Liweixiaoshi, Tong meowuo, scattered heat, scattered blood. The crab meat is salty and cold, and it has the functions of clearing heat, removing stasis and nourishing yin. It can treat bruises, muscle fractures and allergic dermatitis. The crab shell is calcined, and the honey is applied. The external application can cure the wasp sting or other unknown swollen poison. Crab meat has a good effect on various cancers. At the same time, it is also a natural tonic for children. Regular consumption can supplement various trace elements necessary for children's body. Modern research has found that crab shells contain a substance, chitin, which can be extracted from a substance called ACOS-6, which has low toxicity and immunosuppressive properties. Animal experiments have confirmed that this substance can inhibit cancer cells. Proliferation and metastasis.