yibinshi-luolongjiedao specialty

Nanxi torfu

Nanxi tofu is made with fine craftsmanship and sophisticated materials. Its texture is dense, delicious, nutritious, salty and palatable, easy to digest, suitable for all ages, and is popular among people. It is a famous local specialty.

Nanxi White Goose

Nanxi White Goose has a history of more than 300 years of breeding and has the reputation of “the hometown of white goose”. Nanxi white goose has the characteristics of Sichuan white goose, medium-sized, white feather, tight and lustrous. Adult male goose has thick head and neck, long body and long semi-circular orange-red sarcoma on the forehead; mature female goose head is delicate and neck Slender, sarcoma is not obvious. The white goose skin is shiny, the flesh is light red, the texture is clear; the meat is delicious and the meat is fine.