feixixian snacks

Sanhe rice dumpling

Sanhe is a historical town and a hometown of food. Sanhe rice dumplings are made from local ingredients and hand-made, which has become a unique tradition in the Jianghuai region.

Feixi old hen soup

Feixi old hen soup is a high-quality chicken with geographical indications grown in Feixi Zipeng Mountain and Yuantong Mountain (31.7° north latitude, 189 meters above sea level, sunny, average annual temperature 15.7 °C, average humidity 65%) And in the mountains and forests, insectivore ants, drinking streams, unique, pure quality. When using the soup, use the high-quality drinking water of Nongfu Spring, the stew is fine, the soup is white and the original taste. It was rated as “Chinese Famous Food” by the China Cuisine Association.