lantianxian-jiaodaizhen specialty

Lan Tian jade

Lantian jade has been reused in the Qin Dynasty. In "Journey to the West", Sun Wukong's "Waistful Lantian Belt" is described. The Lantian belt here is the "Jade Belt", reflecting that Lantianyu has become synonymous with jade at that time. Lantianyu's long history, profound cultural connotation and long-standing reputation fully demonstrate the status of Lantianyu's origin, and its historical name should be given effective legal protection.

Lantian white pine

Lantian white pine has a long history of cultivation. The existing white pine in the ancient Wenguo Temple in Xi'an was transplanted from Lantian in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. The tree is about 1300 years old, with a height of 26.5 meters, a diameter of 1.06 meters and a crown of 16 meters. It is still depressed and is determined by the Shaanxi Provincial Government as the ancient tree name. wood. . From the time of the Qing Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, there were many literati poets who left nearly 40 heads, directly or indirectly 吟咏 Lantian Bai Pisong's poems. Among them, the most famous ones are Wang Wei and Song Zhiwen from the Tang Dynasty who wrote the poems of "Xinqin County Pine Tree Song", "Mountain Qiuqiu" and "Zhang Zhang Song Song". The poems praised Lantian Baisong from different sides.