shouyangxian-songtazhen specialty

Shouyang dried bean curd

"Shouyang Tofu" has a long history of production. Over the years, "Shouyang Tofu Dry" has formed its inherent product features: the block shape is flat, the appearance is brown, the interior is golden, the taste is solid, the structure is delicate and tenacious, and there is no bean flavor. The fresh and fragrant beauty is rich in nutrients. “Shouyang Tofu Dry” is made from local high-quality green beans. The raw materials used in Shouyang Daqingdou are full of protein, vitamins and other nutrients. The unique process of refined tofu, low sugar It is slightly salty, has a delicate taste, is fragrant, has high protein, low fat, high vitamin and low cholesterol, and has high nutritional value. The product characteristics of "Shouyang Tofu" are mainly due to its soybean and water quality. And traditional crafts. "Shouyang tofu" has become synonymous with the regional characteristics of Shouyang.