
Peng must be Tibetan, a snack made with pea noodles. “Peng Bi” has almost become a symbol of Shigatse snacks. In order to let you remember it, Tibetan friends like to jokingly say: "Friends" is a friend, and must eat delicious.

The pea juice that makes "Peng Bi" is extracted from the juice of the fans. When making a fan, first crush the peas into powder, and then pour the top layer of juice or feed the animal after sedimentation. The lower layer is the starch of the fan, and the layer of juice in the middle is the "friend". Raw materials. The main method is to knead the bean juice into a paste, add salt, scallions, curry powder to the juice, add a little oil, and most add some minced meat. After cooling, it can be formed, and the jelly-like "Peng Bi" with pea green is born. It looks crystal clear and soft, like the "Yellow mouth material" in Hetian jade. The way to eat is even more unique. Use the palm of your hand as a bowl and use your fingers as a chopstick. You can eat while walking on the street. It is very fun. The wisdom of Shigatse makes these juices shine again and makes a unique Shigatse snack.