Shanxi old vinegar

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In the four series of traditional Chinese vinegar industry (namely Shanxi Laochen vinegar, Sichuan Baoning vinegar, Fujian red vinegar and Zhenjiang vinegar), Shanxi old vinegar has a unique taste and long history of cotton, sour, sweet, sweet and mellow. History, ranking first among the four famous vinegars.

Mr. Fang Xinfang, the originator of Chinese microbiology, after inspecting Shanxi old vinegar, said in his book "Shanxi Vinegar": "The most famous person in China's vinegar, the first vinegar and Zhenjiang vinegar. Zhenjiang vinegar and The medicinal qi is slightly inferior to Shanxi vinegar. The color and odor of Shanxi vinegar are all due to the long time of aging, and the vinegar itself is formed by chemical action. It is not artificial artificial, and it is not worthy of the famous products of China." According to historical records, More than 3,000 years ago, the ancestors of Shanxi people began to brew vinegar. The Northern Wei Dynasty agronomist Jia Sizhen once made an investigation in Shanxi. He summed up the twenty-two kinds of vinegar methods in Qi Min Yao Shu. Among them, the "秫米酢法" (酢, 醋) injection cloud: "eight Get it in the month, don't store it, potted mud head, it has to stop for several years." This method is the brewing method of "Shanxi old vinegar". Shanxi is the hometown of vinegar. According to the "Shangshu" record: Yin Gaozu Wu Ding, hired a person named Fu to come out to be his prime minister, once said to the words: "If it is used as a wine cellar, Erwei Qufu; if it is He Wei, Er Wei Yan Mei." The plum mentioned here is the sour plum, which was used as vinegar at that time. Fu said here, at that time, he lived in a place called "Fu Yan" (one for "Fu Xian") in Pinglu County, Shanxi. It can be seen that as early as the 12th century BC, Shanxi people's vinegar was quite famous. Historian Professor Hao Shuhou once verified that at least before 479 BC, when Jinyang City (now Jinyuan Town, southern suburb of Taiyuan City) was established, there were manufacturers of vinegar. When the rumors of "soy sauce causing cancer" and "the EU blocking Chinese soy sauce" were stirred up, China's vinegar and edible soy sauce also formulated corresponding national standards to mark their identity. According to the national standard of edible vinegar formulated according to the old vinegar standard, it fully explains the influence and status of the old vinegar in the national brewing industry. Vinegar is a blend of people's food. It not only helps the balance of the body's pH, but also improves the physical fitness, but also helps people to form an honest and harmonious personality and mental health and intelligence. As the saying goes: "Character determines fate." Perhaps these characteristics have created a strong, loyal, open, open-minded, shrewd and wise Shanxi. In terms of food, it can dissolve calcium and iron in food, so that the body can easily absorb it; it can protect multivitamins from loss when cooking green vegetables; it can remove astringency when burning fish or meat. In the medical field, "Herbal Supplements" 曰 "vinegar breaks the blood, in addition to the accumulation of disease blocks, digestion, killing vicious, broken Qi." Practice has proved that acetic acid has antibacterial and bactericidal effects, especially for cocci. Acetic acid also has a certain effect on cardiovascular diseases. Put one pound of old vinegar and three pounds of rock sugar, dissolve one teaspoon per meal, or immerse the raw peanuts in red with vinegar for 24 hours. Take 10 capsules every morning for one to three months. Reduce blood cholesterol, prevent hardening of the arteries, and treat high blood pressure. Take vinegar for four or two, add a pound of water, can cure dandruff, itchy and hair loss. Adjust the lime powder with vinegar and apply the affected area to treat body odor. In terms of life, vinegar rinse water bottles and hot water bottles can remove scale; with warm vinegar can wipe the glass very bright; with vinegar can also remove the ink and juice spots on the clothes. Therefore, the consumption of old vinegar is beneficial to people's health and quality of life. "Steaming, yeast, smoked, drenched, sun-dried", without any chemical catalyst, completely fermented by biological organisms. The old vinegar's sophisticated production process allows the beneficial ingredients in the raw materials to be preserved intact, and then undergoes the natural fermentation of “summer sun, winter ice, repeated drenching” to make new changes in the biological factors in the brewing process, and The health care ingredients that promote the nutritional balance of the human body have greatly increased. In addition to producing a large amount of acetic acid, the old vinegar can also produce calcium, iron, lactic acid, niacin, glycerin, amino acids, sugars, salts and aldehydes, which can effectively promote the body's metabolism. It plays a role in diet and food supplement. With the proliferation of modern "civilized diseases", the health and fashion of "less salt and more vinegar" is opening up. "There are two or two vinegars in the family, no need to go to the medicine shop." "Vinegar is a medicine to eat with rice. Meal." The high-quality old vinegar has become a necessity for people to pursue health and longevity with its unique functions of softening blood vessels, softening blood vessels, reducing triglycerides, hair growth, beauty, blood pressure and weight loss.

Shanxi old vinegar quality technical requirements (a) the main raw materials: 1. Sorghum: in accordance with the provisions of GB8231, the starch content of more than 60%. 2. 3. Water: The production water is the groundwater in Taiyuan Basin, which meets the requirements of GB5749, and the total hardness is 7 to 8 degrees. (2) Processing technology: use Daqu as saccharification starter, adopt the process of “steaming, yeast, smoked, drenched and Chen”, and use “prolonged alcohol fermentation, vinegar high temperature ignition, smoked vinegar vinegar, storage and old cooked” Technology, aging time is not less than 10 months. (3) Quality characteristics: 1. Sensory Index. 2. Ester meter g / 100ml) ≥ 1.80, soluble salt-free solids (g / 100ml) ≥ 6.00.