Xihe Pinellia ternata

Pinellia ternata is a perennial herb of the genus Araceae. It is one of the commonly used medicines in traditional Chinese medicine. It has the functions of antitussive, dampness, phlegm, lowering vomiting, reducing swelling and dispersing, treating cough, chest fullness, nausea and vomiting. Wide, large amount. Xihe Pinellia has the characteristics of large, white, round, firm, powdery, and high in medicinal composition. It is known as “West and Midsummer” and is favored by users at home and abroad.

Product Features Pinellia alias "three-step jump", is a perennial herbaceous poisonous plant of the genus Araceae. There are near spherical small tubers in the ground. Ye Jisheng, the annual one is a single leaf, heart-shaped arrow shape, two or three-year-old is a compound leaf of three leaflets, lobular ovate-elliptic; petiole long, with a knob-like protrusion near the base, ie, bead bud. Flowering in early spring, yellow-green Buddha flames outside the spikes. Adaptable, self-generated field or under the forest. The quantity is small and the value is high, which is one of the shortage of Chinese herbal medicines in the market. Geographical environment Xihe County, Gansu Province has a humid climate with sufficient sunshine, an average temperature of 8.4 °C, a frost-free period of 149 to 214 days, a sunshine duration of 1,500 to 1800 hours, and an annual precipitation of 451 to 734.7 milliliters. It is a typical continental monsoon climate, which is quite suitable for half. Summer growth. Pinellia is one of the important medicinal plants in Xihe County. The Pinellia ternata produced in Xihe County is large in size, good in shape, white in color and full in grain. It is called the quality product in Pinellia. Medicinal value Pinellia is an important medicinal material in the treasure house of Chinese medicine. It is only produced in China and Japan in Asia. The main production is Gansu, Sichuan, Hubei, Shanxi and other places; the best quality is the Gansu West. Semi-summer warm taste, dry and phlegm, spleen and stomach, reduce the effect of vomiting, can cure chronic bronchitis, chest and abdomen swelling, stomach neurosis and nausea and vomiting, sore swelling and other symptoms.

Western and Pinellia quality technical requirements (a) species name. Pinellia ternata (thuhb) breit). (2) Site conditions. The protection range is 1650m to 1850m above sea level, and the soil type is mountain brown soil and mountain brown soil. The pH is between 6.8 and 7.0 and the organic matter content is ≥1.0%. (3) Cultivation management. 1. Site selection: Select a land with a gentle terrain, deep soil layers, convenient drainage and no pollution. 2. Fertilization: based on the base fertilizer, combined with the ground preparation before the sowing, deep application, foot application; using foliar spray. It is mainly based on decomposed farmyard manure, and the farmer's manure is more than 5000kg, the nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer is mainly diammonium phosphate, 20kg is applied per mu, and the foliar fertilizer is mainly potassium dihydrogen phosphate and urea. 3. Sowing: During the summer season, during the summer to the cold dew, the spring sowing is planted in the top of the horror period. For seeding, the distance between the plants is 2cm to 2.2cm, and the spacing of the grooves is generally 15cm. The field effective density mu seedlings are between 18 and 220,000 plants, and the seed amount is between 400kg and 500kg per acre. 4. Seedbed management: After the seedlings are unearthed, it is necessary to pull the grass in time, and carry out 1 to 3 times of root dressing according to the growth and development of the plant. Apply 0.1kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per acre, or 0.5kg of urea, and add 60kg of water to spray. Good irrigation and drainage. 5. Harvesting and processing: mining during the summer heat to the great summer, after soaking → peeling → rinsing → drying and other processing, grading and packaging. 6. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. (4) Quality characteristics. 1. Sensory features: pure color powder, pure white, normal shape, full particles, no deformities, no spots. 2. Physical and chemical indicators: test the traits and microscopic features of Pinellia ternata. Thin layer chromatography detected leucine, alanine, arginine, and valine. Total alkaloids ≥ 0.17%, β-sitosterol ≥ 0.022%, starch ≥ 40.00%. 3. Grade specification: Grade particle size diameter Grade A 12mm or more Grade B 10-12mm Grade C 8-10mm Pearl grade 6-8mm4. Safety requirements: Product safety indicators must meet the relevant regulations of the state for similar products.

Apply to:
Producers within the scope of protection of geographical indication products of Xihe and Pinxia may submit an application for the use of “Special Marks for Geographical Indication Products” to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Xihe County of Gansu Province, which shall be approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.