Zhangshu Wu Cornel

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The banyan tree Wu Hao, also known as Wu Hao, Wu Hao, Yi, Wu Yu, has been planted since the Han and Jin Dynasties. "The ancestors" of the pharmaceutical industry, the Dan medics, the Taoist ancestor of the Taoist priest Ge Xuan in the year 202 to the eucalyptus scorpion mountain medicine practice medicine, the development of the herb garden, planting carp, sand ginseng, black medicinal herbs, Wu Hao, etc. More than 100 kinds of medicines. Because the eucalyptus was "Wu" at that time, it was named "Wu Yu" by its territories.

The banyan tree Wu Hao, also known as Wu Hao, Wu Hao, Yi, Wu Yu, has been planted since the Han and Jin Dynasties. "The ancestors" of the pharmaceutical industry, the Dan medics, the Taoist ancestor of the Taoist priest Ge Xuan in the year 202 to the eucalyptus scorpion mountain medicine practice medicine, the development of the herb garden, planting carp, sand ginseng, black medicinal herbs, Wu Hao, etc. More than 100 kinds of medicines. Because the eucalyptus was "Wu" at that time, it was named "Wu Yu" by its territories. "One of the four sons of the late Ming Dynasty" Fang Yizhi (AD 1611 - 1671) entered the 樟 阖 阖 山 山 初 初 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营 经营, chrysanthemum, perilla, shot dry, atractylodes, Wusong, octagonal hemp and so on. He made bamboos in front of and behind Maoz, planting flowers and growing flowers, and it was not stop. He also studied the processing of medicinal materials, conducted experiments in person, and wrote the book "Pharmaceutical Guns". The purification and rejuvenation of Wushu's eucalyptus medicine people, abandoning the weakness of "big flower" and "small flower", is now forming the "Yushu Wusong" with independent characteristics. It has strong odor, green color, full granules and good medicinal properties. It is rich in volatile oils such as eucalyptus, basilene, eucalyptus lactone, eucalyptus lactone, eucalyptus acid and various alkaloids. Its stalk, stem, leaf and root bark are also available for medicinal purposes. The "Shenlong Materia Medica" and "Compendium of Materia Medica" are listed as top grades. Since 1972, Yushu City (formerly Qingjiang County) has begun to plant Wujing on a large scale. By the year 2000, it had an area of ​​18,000 mu. For this reason, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China listed Yushu Wujing as one of the pillar projects of the standardized cultivation of Chinese herbal medicines. The existing area is 157,000 mu, the annual output is 117.75 million kilograms, and the output value is 210.175 million yuan. More than 6,000 farmers have been planted, and the average household income is more than 40,000 yuan.

Eucalyptus Wujing quality technical requirements (a) provenance. Evodia rutaecarpa (Juss.) Benth. var. bodinieri (Dode) Huang]. (2) Site conditions. The altitude of the protected area is ≤1000 meters, the soil pH is 6.0 to 7.0, and the soil thickness is ≥30 cm. (3) Cultivation management. 1. Nursery: cutting seedlings to breed, or roots and tillers to breed. 2. Colonization: (1) Time: November to March. (2) Density: ≤ 840 plants per hectare. 3. Trimming: Mainly for winter shears, combining winter shears with summer shears. Ensure that the crown is ventilated and transparent. 4. Fertilization: Annual organic fertilizer 3000kg/hm2. 5. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. (4) Harvesting and processing. 1. Harvest time: from late July to early August. 2. Processing: dry or dry naturally. The temperature required for drying shall not exceed 40 degrees. (5) Quality characteristics. 1. Sensory features: The appearance is a five-sided oblate shape with a diameter of 2.5 to 3.5 mm. The surface is dark yellowish green and rough. The top has a pentagonal stellate fissure, no opening, no seeds inside, a strong aroma, and a bitter and bitter tongue. 2. Physical and chemical indicators: evodiamine and rutaecarpine, total content ≥ 0.23%; moisture content ≤ 11%. 3. Safety requirements: Product safety indicators must meet the relevant regulations of the state for similar products.

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The producers within the scope of protection of the eucalyptus eucalyptus products may submit an application for the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products” to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Zhangshu City, Jiangxi Province, which is reviewed by the Jiangxi Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. . The statutory testing agency of Yushu Wujing is appointed by the Jiangxi Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision.