jiulongxian specialty

Kowloon Sichuan Pepper

The Kowloon peppercorns are thick and fleshy. Because of its fragrant and delicious, it has been famous for a long time. Among them, it is more famous for its “Zhenglujiao”, “Dahongpao” and “High-footed Yellow”. The pepper produced in Kowloon is also known as "Gangjiao", which was originally used as a must-have for the court chef. The altitude of 2200 meters to 2800 meters is the most suitable ecological area for the growth of pepper, and it is the rare source of the mother flower of China. The county is located in the core area of ​​ecological protection in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Not only is the ecological environment suitable for the growth of pepper, but only organic fertilizer is applied during the planting process, and no fertilizer or pesticide is needed to ensure that the pure taste of the pepper reaches the AA standard of green food.