kailishi-chengxijiedao specialty

Majiang Blueberry

The content of anthocyanin in Majiang blueberry fruit is as high as 300 mg/100g. It is a nutritious health fruit with high amino acid, high zinc, high calcium, high iron, high copper and high vitamin. It is known as “Queen of Fruit” and “Beautiful

Kerry Red Sour Soup

Red sour soup is a traditional food of the Miao people in Kaili. It has a history of thousands of years. Its unique color (red), fragrance (fragrance), taste (alkyd, sweet) have an appetizing effect. After eating, the appetite of patients with indigestion and anorexia can be widened. The Kerry people are known as the folk sayings of "three days without acid, walking and fighting." It can be seen that red sour soup plays an important role in the Kaili diet chain.