quanzhoushi snacks

Zhenhao Pan'an sea bamboo shoots jelly

The frozen shoots of the bamboo shoots originate from Anhai. They are cooked by sea star worms and cooled. They are sweet and delicious. They are served with soy sauce, garlic, mustard and other spices. They are cool and have a high medicine. The value of use and diet is known as the "seaweed Cordyceps".

Chongwu paupiette

Chongwu fish rolls are the traditional snacks of Fujian Minnan. The main raw materials are selected high-quality fish, among which the best, high-quality fish rolls, such as horseshoes, clams and sharks, are soft and crisp at the entrance, and the cheeks are chewy when chewing. There is no fish or astringency, and there is a unique taste. Chongwu people go out to visit relatives and friends, like to bring their specialty fish rolls and express their wishes.