Dayi Sheep

Chengdu Mayang is distributed in the Chengdu Plain of Sichuan and its surrounding hilly areas, and is currently introduced to Henan and Hunan provinces. It is a goat in the southern subtropical humid mountainous hills, which is used for both meat and milk. Chengdu Mayang has the characteristics of fast growth, early maturity, high fertility, adaptability, heat and humidity resistance, resistance to extensive feeding, stable genetic function, especially meat tenderness, delicious taste, no astringency, large plate area and excellent texture. For remarkable features.

Chengdu Mayang is produced in the Chengdu Plain of Sichuan. The climate of the production area is mild and the temperature difference is small. The annual average temperature is 16 °C (the highest temperature is 36 °C, the lowest temperature is -6.2 °C), the annual precipitation is 900-1010 mm, and the rainy season is from July to September. It is rainy in spring and foggy in winter. The average relative humidity is 82 to 88%, and the frost-free period is 281 to 339 days. The production area is known as the granary in western Sichuan. The crops include rice, barley, wheat, corn, sweet potato, beans and rapeseed, cotton and peanuts. In addition, there are also scorpions, Chinese milk vetch, broad beans, etc., which can be used for both green and green feeds. There are many kinds of shrubs and weeds, most of which can be eaten by goats. The agricultural and sideline products in the producing areas are rich, and the natural grassland has a long growing season, which has created good conditions for the development of goats. Geographical distribution Chengdu Ma sheep is distributed in the hilly area near the Chengdu Plain. Chengdu Shuangliu, Jintang two counties and Longquan District, Wenjiang District, Peng County, Guan County, Chongqing, Datun, Handan and other counties. Variety characteristics Chengdu Ma Yangtou is medium-sized, with two ears extending sideways, with a wide forehead and a slight protrusion, and a straight nose. Most of the male and female ewes have horns, a few have no horns, and the rams are large and angled. They are bent backwards and twisted slightly to the sides. The ewes are short and small, and they are mostly sickle-shaped. The ram and most of the ewes have squats in the lower jaw, and some of them have sag under the neck. The ram's forequarters are developed, the body shape is rectangular, and the body is majestic; the ewe's hindquarters are deep and wide, the back waist is straight, and the ankle is slightly inclined. The limbs are thick and the hooves are black and solid. The breast is spherical, and the body is relatively delicate and slightly wedge-shaped. Chengdu Ma sheep body hair is brownish yellow, bright color, short hair type. The color of a single fiber can be divided into three segments, the hair tip is black, the middle segment is brownish yellow, and the lower segment is black gray. The proportion and color depth of each segment of the hair color are slightly different between individuals and different parts of the body. The whole hair is brownish and has a black hemp feeling, so it is called Ma sheep. The coat color is generally shallower than the body. There are also two different colored hair bands on the body, one from the midpoint of the base of the corner to the back of the neck, and the back line extends to the tail root with a pure black hair band; along the shoulders of the shoulders, there is a pure black through the forelimbs to the hoofs. The hair band, two black hair bands cross in the armor, forming a distinct cross. The width and completeness of the cross are different depending on gender and individual. Black hair band, ram is wider, and ewes are narrower. From the front edge of the base of the corner, through the inner corner of the eye along the sides of the bridge of the nose, to the corner of the mouth each has a spindle-shaped light yellow hair band, shaped like a thrush bird. Variety performance The average body height, body length, chest circumference and body weight of Chengdu Ma Yang adult ram were: 65.5 ± 1.2 cm, 69.6 ± 1.1 cm, 79.3 ± 1.0 cm, 43.02 ± 1.7 kg, and the adult ewes were: 60.7 ± 0.2 cm. , 65.8 ± 0.2 cm, 74.6 ± 0.3 cm, 32.6 ± 0.2 kg. Chengdu Mayang grows fast. After grazing in summer and autumn, it can reach the body of the manure with no concentrate. The color of the mutton is ruddy, the fat is evenly distributed, the meat is tender and juicy, and the astringency is small. The tissue of Chengdu Ma sheep skin is dense, the nipple layer accounts for more than half of the thickness of the whole skin, and the reticular layer is thick and strong. The processed leather has good elasticity, high strength, soft texture and wear resistance. Chengdu Mayang has the characteristics of good meat and milk production, good quality of leather board, high fertility, adaptability and hereditary stability. It is an excellent local goat breed in China.

Technical requirements for quality of large ramie sheep 1. Variety Chengdu Mayang. Second, the breeding environment in the protected area between 800m ~ 1500m above sea level, the slope is not more than 60%, rich vegetation, open space. Third, feeding management 1. Feeding methods: combined with semi-grazing. 2. Feed conditions: industrial processing feed ingredients and finished products have the color, smell, taste and morphological characteristics of the variety, the color is consistent, no mold, deterioration, agglomeration and odor, odor, green feed, dry roughage should not be moldy Deterioration, no impurities, dirt, etc. It is forbidden to use animal-derived feed such as meat and bone meal, bone meal, blood meal, feather meal, bone glue and fish meal in the feed. 3. Feeding management: Lambs are lured at 15 days of age and weaned at 60 days of age. The forage and feed are supplemented according to the amount of forage and sheep feeding. 4. Requirements for the delivery: The sheep are only 12 months old and weigh ≥25kg. 5. Environmental and safety requirements: The prevention, control and control of feed, feeding environment, feeding management and epidemic diseases must comply with relevant national standards and must not pollute the environment. Fourth, slaughtering and processing Slaughter and bloodletting clean, peeling or ironing to remove hair, remove the head, hoof, internal organs (except the kidneys), large blood vessels, breasts, genitals, thyroid, adrenal glands, diseased lymph nodes. Fresh carcass mutton has no diseased tissue, scars, residual small pieces of fur, floating hair, no dirt, mud, gallbladder, no clots. V. Quality characteristics 1. Sensory characteristics: The large ramie sheep is handsome, with thick limbs and bright coat. 2. Meat quality characteristics: (1) Sensory characteristics: color: muscles are shiny, dim red, uniform red; fat is milky white. Texture: The texture is fine, there is a white fat film on the outside, the fat is mixed in the lean meat, the silk is distinct; the cut surface is moist, not sticky. Tissue state: The muscle fibers are dense, tough and elastic, and the depression immediately recovers after acupressure. (2) Physical and chemical indicators: the project large ramie sheep protein content ≥16.0% total amino acid ≥15.0% fat content 4%~18% cholesterol content ≤54mg/100g (3) Safety requirements: product safety indicators must reach the national similar products Relevant regulations.

Apply to:
Producers within the scope of the production of large ramie sheep may apply to the Dayi County Market and Quality Supervision Administration for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be reviewed by the Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and submitted to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine for approval. announcement.