Huangshan Tribute Chrysanthemum

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Huangshan Gongju is also known as Gongju, Huizhou Gongju and Huiju. It is a traditional Han nationality in Huangshan City. It is also known as Hangju, Qiju and Qiju. It is also known as the four famous Chinese chrysanthemums. The emperor, hence the name "Gongju". It is rich in the vast area of ​​Huangshan City, Anhui Province. It is mainly produced in the famous tourist resort Huangshan Scenic Area and the national nature reserve Qingliang Peak. It grows in a unique natural ecological environment with excellent quality. It is a collection of color, aroma, taste and type. It has both ornamental value and medicinal functions. It is known as a good medicinal and drinker. It is a famous specialty of Huangshan Mountain and is well-known both at home and abroad.

Huangshan Gongju quality technical requirements (1) Variety: Dendranthema morifolium (Ramat.) Tzvel. "Gongju"]. (2) Cultivation: 1. Environmental conditions: low hillsides with an altitude of 200-600 meters within the scope of protection; Variety breeding: use of Gongju overwinter and asexual reproduction; 3. Management technology: topping the top; 4. Harvesting time: from the end of October to the end of November, when the top lingual flower is opened more than 70%. (3) Processing technology: drying by baking technology. (4) Quality characteristics: the outer shape is oblate or irregular, with a diameter of 1.5 to 2.5 cm. The lingual flower is inclined, the tubular flower is less, the color is white, the green is green, the quality is soft, the smell is aromatic, and the hair is evenly scattered.