Qingjiang Fructus Aurantii

The Qingjiang oyster shell is the original medicinal material of eucalyptus. The alluvial states of the Yuanhe River and the Lancang River are all Qingjiang oyster shell trees, which is known as the “hometown of oyster shells”. "Additional fake medicine strips" said: "Jiangxi Shahe is out, the skin is thick and thick, and the color is white and the air is clear and fragrant." In the "Dao Di Medicine Map" (Huadong Volume) prepared by Wang Qiang and Xu Guozhen, the national medicine is discussed. When the main production site wrote: "The main raw material of medicinal materials is produced in Jiangxi Qingjiang... Jiangxi's high quality, with Huanggang, Qingjiang County as the real estate area."

Qingjiang County records: Song Xining (1068-1077), Qingjiang oyster shell, medlar, dried tangerine peel and other medicinal materials, with high quality and well-known, and for the tribute into the palace inner court. By 1964, Qingjiang Shell won the first place in the national Chinese herbal medicine quality evaluation meeting. Speaking of clam shells, sturdy, there is a legend in the banyan tree. According to legend, Liu Chao, the minister of the Song Dynasty, returned to his hometown, Liujiang, Mojiang Village, Qingjiang County, Linjiang (now the Huangjiagang Town of Zhangshu City, Liujia). One day, under the banyan tree, teach the grandson to study, and don’t let the fruit fall, swearing Liu’s head, and Yan Xiaoxiao said: “枳砸枳砸”. Liu Chang was teased by the child because of his lack of hair. He pointed to the small fruit in the bamboo dish and said: "The brain is real," and the child is too naughty to open up. The grandson and grandson often nicknamed each other as a clam shell. Since then, people have made the empty shell of the cockroach a clam shell, and the solid fruit is tamping.

Technical requirements for the quality of Qingjiang oyster shells 1. Citrus aurantium 'Xiucheng', Citrus aurantium 'Xiangcheng' 2. Site conditions Altitude ≤ 1000 m, soil type is alluvial soil, soil texture is sandy loam, The pH is 5.5 to 7.5. The organic matter content is ≥1.0%, and the soil layer thickness is ≥70 cm. 3. Cultivation management 1. Seedlings are propagated or grafted with roots (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.). 2. Colonization time: from early February to mid-March or from early November to mid-December. Planting density: ≤43 per 667m2 (mu). 3. Fertilize ≥2000kg per 667m2 (mu) of fertilized organic fertilizer per year. 4. The pruning is dominated by winter shears, supplemented by summer shears to ensure that the canopy is ventilated and light. 5. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. 4. Harvesting and processing 1. Harvesting time: From early July to mid-July, the color of the peel turned from green to green, and the fruit of the husk was harvested at the beginning. 2. Processing method: harvest fresh fruit and cut it in half to dry or dry. V. Quality characteristics 1. Sensory characteristics: It is hemispherical, 3 to 5 cm in diameter, and the outer peel is blue-brown or brown with granular protrusions. The top of the protrusion has a concave oil chamber. In the cut surface, the peel is white or yellowish white, the skin is everted, the thickness is 0.6 cm to 1.4 cm, the quality is hard, the sac is 7 to 14 petals, and the juice sac is yellow-white, and the gas is clear and white, and the taste is slightly acidic. 2. Physical and chemical indicators: naringin content ≥ 4.2%; new hesperidin ≥ 3.2%; moisture content ≤ 12%. 3. Safety and other quality technical requirements: Product safety and other quality technical requirements must comply with relevant national regulations.

Apply to:
Producers within the Qingjiang clam shell production area may submit an application to the Yushu City Market and Quality Supervision Administration for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be reviewed by the Jiangxi Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and reported to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine for approval. The inspection mechanism of the Qingjiang oyster shell is selected by the Jiangxi Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision in a testing institution that meets the qualification requirements.