Taitou watermelon

Taiwanese watermelon skin is crispy, sweet and refreshing, contains a variety of amino acids and vitamins, and is a good product for summer heat relief. Since the ancient times, Taitou Town has been known as the “land of fish and rice”. Taitou watermelon has a history of thousands of years. The clear and sweet Daqing River water, fertile black land and high-quality climatic conditions have produced high quality, green and pollution-free Taiwanese heads.

Since the ancient times, Taiwanese watermelon has been famous for its thin skin, sweetness and crispness. In 2006, the Taitou Town Watermelon Cooperative has applied for registration as a trademark of “Hong Li Fu”. In May 2007, the “Kebo Bolognese Cup” held in Beijing won the Excellence Award in the China Watermelon Competition, and established supply and marketing relationships with large supermarkets in cities such as Beijing and Tianjin, and implemented fixed-point sales. The trademark of Taitou Watermelon is registered as “Honglifu” and should be started from Emperor Qianlong. Taitou, located in the lower reaches of the Daqing River. During the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong set up a Taitou Palace for the emperor to live in the south. When Emperor Qianlong was in office, he was in the thirty-two years of Emperor Qianlong's March ugly (March 30, 1767), thirty-five years of March, March (April 10, 1770), and March, 1989. Shen (April 20, 1794) was stationed at the Taishou Palace for three times. When he was stationed here for the first time, he established a deep relationship with the Taitou people and gave the "Fu" character written by himself to "Hao's Ancestral Hall". In order to thank the emperor for his concern for the people of the Taitou, the people here later dedicated the local specialties, Taitou watermelon as a tribute to him. Regarding this period of history, "Qing Shi Lu Gao Zong Shi Lu" is written as follows: "Ming Lan thirty-five March, March (April 10, 1770), stationed in Taitou, 谕: the past (formerly) the people ( Refers to the people who lived in the Taiwanese era. The melons, the 朕 (referring to the Emperor Qianlong), are the heart of Jiayue. Today, due to the gods of the dynasty (the Emperor Qianlong had set up the 25,000 yuan in the West Gate of Taitou), the relatives were completed. (In person) (Zhan), and (allowed) the request of the people of Zhili, Gong Feng." "Qing Shi Lu Gao Zong Shi Lu" is a record of the love of Xinjue Luo · Hong Li as the emperor after the words and deeds every day Authoritative books. This record shows that during the three years from the thirty-two to thirty-five years of Emperor Qianlong, the people of Taitou had offered watermelon for him. Regarding the anecdote of Taitou Watermelon as a contribution to the Emperor Qianlong, in the 23rd year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1897), the book "Dacheng County" (historically, Taitou has been under the jurisdiction of Dacheng County, and was placed under Jinghai County in 1948). There are also records: "Watermelon, out of the Western Region, Taiwanese watermelon is a tribute (a special product to the emperor)." From the above records, it is not difficult to see that the Taiwanese watermelon has indeed been presented as a tribute to the Emperor Qianlong. Since the Emperor Qianlong’s name was Hongli, he wrote the word “Fu” to the people of Taitou. Therefore, the watermelon trademark here is registered as “Honglifu”. Due to the deep feelings of the Emperor Qianlong and the Taitou people, when he was about to leave his position, he ignored the 84-year-old senior in the 59th year of Qianlong’s visit to the Taitou people. "Qing Shi Lu·Gao Zong Shi Lu" wrote this period of history: "This time, the Jin Dian (including the Taiwanese head) was originally used to consult the customs of today, not for fun and play..." Although the above records have the side of the emperor's hypocrisy, they cannot completely rule out the existence of certain feelings of the monarch.

Taitou watermelon quality technical requirements (a) varieties. Jingxin No. 1, Jingxin No. 2, Chunyi. (2) Site conditions. The soil is medium loamy soil or silty fluvo-aquic soil. The total salt content in the soil is ≥0.07%, the gas permeability is good, the organic matter content is ≥1.0%, and the soil pH is 7.0 to 8.3. (3) Cultivation management. 1. The sowing period is from late January to early April. The seedling age is 3 leaves and 1 heart. 2. 3. Fertilization: Apply fully decomposed organic fertilizer ≥2000kg per 666.7m2 (mu). 4. Field management: the third female flower of the main vine, the second female flower of the side. After sitting on the melon, leave 15 hearts at the front end of the melon and stop watering 10 days before harvest. 5. Safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with the relevant national safety standards and must not pollute the environment. (4) Harvesting. The cultivation time of protected land cultivation is from mid-May to early June, and the open-cover harvesting period is from mid-June to late July. (5) Quality characteristics. 1. 2. 3. Safety requirements: Product safety indicators must meet the relevant regulations of the state for similar products.

Apply to:
Producers within the scope of the protection of the geographical indication products of the Taiwanese watermelon can submit an application for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products” to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Jinghai County, Tianjin, and the AQSIQ will be examined by the Tianjin Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau. Announcement approval. The statutory testing agency for Taiwanese watermelon is designated by Tianjin Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau.