fuzhoushi1 specialty

Chongren spotted chicken

Chongren Maji is one of the highest-bred varieties in local chicken breeds in China. It is famous for its tender meat and rich nutrition. It is a typical representative of Chinese green-legged chicken. Chongren Ma chicken is small in size, lively, agile, and has a strong feeding ability. The hen is divided into two types: jute and black hemp. The feathers are compact, the toes and toes are iron-blue, and the single crown and the meat are bright red. The cock's feathers are brownish red, the tail is green, the chest is muscular, the chest and abdomen feathers are red with black, the meat is deep and thin, and the shape is rhomboid. They are surrounded by the hills, accompanied by green grass; from the ancients, they live in the years.

Jinxi yellow Gardenia

"Jinxi Huangzizi" is oval or oval, with thin, full and reddish color. It has high color price, high content of geniposide and gardenia pigment, and is a very distinctive product. The medicinal parts of Jinxi Huangqizi include roots, leaves, flowers and fruits, which are cold and bitter. They have the functions of purging fire and removing trouble, clearing heat and diuresis, cooling blood and detoxifying. "Jinxi Huangzizi" contains geniposide, iridoids, isoindole, deoxyxanthine, hawthorn, scorpion ketone, grassland acid, gardenia, crocin, saffron , sputum sterol and bear fruit acid.

Zixi White Tea

Zixi White Tea was first recorded in Zixi County Zhizhi during the Tongzhi Period of the Qing Dynasty. It was called “Baihao” and it was one of the important products of Zixi. The method of making tea was “the most tender one before the rain in March. The gun (bud) is spread out, fried in a wok and fried in a leaf, and roasted by hot charcoal fire, the color of the bubble is light and the fragrance is better." The ancients have a cloud: "Brown color is white", "The best of tea is white, if the green is a regular product."