guangyuanshi-maliuxiang specialty

Guangyuan olive Oil

Guangyuan olive oil, special product of Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province. Guangyuan is one of the research and cultivation bases for Chinese olive oil. The climate is suitable, the soil is fertile and alkaline, and the calcium is rich. The olive fruit produced is high in oil and good in quality. Guangyuan planted olive oil began in the late 20th century. In 1977, more than 2,000 olives planted in Guangyuancheng tablets reached a prolific period. The olive fruit oil yield was 18.2%, and the yield per mu and oil yield were close to those of the Mediterranean countries.

Ma Liu embroidery

Ma Liu embroidery is a large mountain in the Chaotian area of ​​Guangyuan. In the daily sewing work, the people gradually sublimate the traditional handicrafts with unique local characteristics and unique artistic charm. The embroidery lines are simple and clear, vivid and chic, rich in decoration. Meaning and practical beauty. The screen has complete width, tight pin, no bottom, no needle, embroidered face hidden embroidery thread and thread head, no wrong embroidery, leak embroidered, the bottom cloth is flawless, no stains, pure color, elegant, embroidered face smooth Soft, with a strong sense of rhythm and rhythm.

Zengjiashan Cabbage

As a local specialty agricultural product, “Zengjiashan Cabbage” has a long history of planting and rich nutritional value. It is rich in various vitamins, crude fiber and other nutrients, especially vitamin C, iron and calcium in other regions. It can be planted in two seasons of summer cabbage and autumn cabbage. The weight of the single ball is 1.5kg to 2.5kg. The color is blue-green, the leaf is firm, the leaves are thick, the taste is crisp, slightly sweet, and it has rich regional characteristics.