xingyishi-qishezhen specialty

Xingren semen coicis

The soil of Xingren is mainly yellow soil, lime soil and paddy soil. The soil is rich in organic content, rich in iron and aluminum content, less calcium and magnesium ions, soil is neutral and slightly acidic, loose and humid, and the climate is warm and humid. The monsoon climate, no cold in winter, no heat in summer, good lighting conditions, more mountainous and weaker. Barley rice is a thermophilic plant with strong ecological adaptability. It is undoubtedly the best growing environment for barley rice. Xingren folks have praised Huanrenmi for "not competing with grain and tobacco, not fighting for labor with farmers, and should plant steep slopes and deep valleys with low cost and good income."

Qishe tea

In Qishe Town, Xingyi City, Guizhou Province, due to the unique natural environment, it is the best place for tea development. At present, the development of tea has become the main key industry of the people of Qishe Town. Good tea leaves are naturally inseparable from a good production environment. Since the town was built in Qishe Town, there has been no industrial pollution in the town. The tea garden base is also far from the town and is in a fresh and natural environment. Plus fertile land, suitable temperature, and misty environment, it is very suitable for the cultivation of high quality tea.