Fern Leaf cake

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  • Authentic store:
    Qinhuangdao Mulan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.
  • Awards:
    Top 10 famous snacks in China (Hebei)

桲椤【pó luó】Fly cake is a kind of green food with the most characteristics of Qinhuangdao. "桲叶饼饼" is also called "Great Wall Pineapple Leaf Cake". The cooked glutinous cakes are exquisitely fragrant and delicious. They are delicious and delicious. They are a special food that Chinese and foreign tourists are eager to taste.

Eucalyptus grows in the Yanshan Great Wall area and is very common. According to legend, in the Ming Dynasty, Qijiguang Town, Shanshan Customs, the eucalyptus cake spread from the south to here, because of the age, few people now know its existence, only the villages near the home of Yang Guiyun, the founder of Qinhuangdao Mulan Food Co., Ltd. Maintain the tradition of eating glutinous rice cakes around the fifth day of the lunar calendar every year. Into the production workshop of Qinhuangdao Mulan Food Co., Ltd., the workers wore sterilized coats and were making the eucalyptus cakes in an orderly and orderly manner. Use a common eucalyptus leaf in the mountains of Qinhuangdao, spread the good noodles evenly on the leaves with a spatula, spread the stuffing with leeks, carrots, pork and other materials, fold the leaves in half, knead them gently, steam them. It became a delicious eucalyptus.