Lingshan Litchi

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Lingshan lychee has large fruit, beautiful color, thick meat, small nuclear, crispy, juicy, sweet and long. The lychee produced is bright in color, the flesh is tender and crisp, the entrance is sweet, the aroma is tangy, the quality is excellent, and the fruit is large. It is uniform, has a high edible rate, and has the characteristics of outstanding fruit and fruit. It is famous for its excellent variety, superior quality and mellow taste.

Lingshan Litchi Quality Technical Requirements (1) Variety. March red, scorpion laugh, black leaf, cinnamon, and fragrant. (2) Site conditions. The soil type is red soil. The thickness of the soil layer is ≥1m, the groundwater level is ≤1m, the soil pH is 5.5 to 6.5, and the organic matter content is ≥1%. (3) Cultivation management. 1. Grafting seedlings are made of roots such as Dazhi and Woshen. 2. 3. Planting density: 375 plants per hectare. 4. Fertilization: Based on organic fertilizer, the result tree is ≥ 15 tons of organic fertilizer per hectare per year. 5. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. (4) Harvesting. It should be done after the dew on the sunny morning or on a cloudy day. (5) Quality characteristics. 1. (2) Scorpion laugh: The skin is light red, the meat is thick and small, tender and crisp, and the sweetness is slightly fragrant. (3) Black leaves: The peel is dark red, the flesh is soft and juicy, and the sweet taste is slightly fragrant. (4) Guiwei: The peel is bright red, the meat is thick and small, the flesh is tender and crisp, sweet and juicy, with a sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance. (5) Toona: The peel is dark red with a purple color, the meat is thick and small, the flesh is crispy and juicy, the taste is sweet and sweet. 2. ≥19≥78≤0.21 荔 ≥18≥73≤0.303. Safety and other quality technical requirements: Product safety and other quality technical requirements must comply with relevant national regulations.

Apply to:
Producers within the scope of Lingshan Lizhi production area may apply to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Lingshan County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region for the use of “Special Marks for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be reviewed by the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and submitted to the AQSIQ for approval. announcement.