Guanling Campanulaceae

Guanling platycodon is produced in Guanling Buyi and Miao Autonomous County of Guizhou Province. At present, Guanling Autonomous County is making great efforts to create a “hometown of peony platycodon grandiflorum”. The planting area of ​​platycodon grandiflorum is more than 30,000 mu, and the area of ​​platycodon is covered by many townships in the county.

The main meaning of the bellflower includes two points, one is a plant and the other is a Chinese medicine. 1. Plant: A perennial herb with ovate or ovate lobes and dark blue or purple flowers. 2, Chinese medicine: the root of the platycodon is a Chinese medicinal material, the medicine has the effect of relieving cough, phlegm and drainage. Platycodon grandiflorum is generally used in the roots of spring and autumn, and the dried roots of platycodon grandiflorum are bitter, pungent, and slightly warm. They enter the lungs and have the functions of Xuanfei and pus. The main treatments are cough, sore throat, and psoriasis. Chest full of hypochondriac pain, dysentery and abdominal pain, mouth sores, red eyes and swelling, urinary sputum closure. How to eat the bellflower? The method of eating platycodon [Purple stalk tea] Material: 10 grams of platycodon grandiflorum, honey amount. Practice: After washing the platycodon grandiflorum, put it into the tea quilt, add boiling water, honey, soak for 10 minutes and drink it once a day. Efficacy: This method can clear throat and relieve phlegm, suitable for chronic pharyngitis, throat hoarseness, itching, dry cough and other people to drink. [Rambutus stewed pig lung] Materials: Platycodon grandi, 10 grams of almonds, 15 grams of ground bone, 5 grams of American ginseng, pig lungs 2 practices: cut the pig lungs into pieces, repeatedly squeezed by hand to remove foam, Wash and put in clean water to boil, remove and put into the stew pot; wash the platycodon, asters, almonds, ginseng, and bone skin into the stew pot, add appropriate amount of water and stew for about 3 hours, seasoning Ready to eat. Efficacy: This method has the effects of moistening the lungs, relieving cough and removing phlegm. It is suitable for most people. [Tremella mixed with platycodon seedlings] Materials: Tremella (dry) 50 grams, 250 grams of platycodon grandiflorum, 5 grams of green onions, 5 grams of ginger, 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of MSG, 15 grams of vegetable oil. Practice: Take the tender seedlings of the platycodon . Wash the water with white fungus. The wok is hot and oily, the oil is hot and put into the onion, ginger, musk, and then the main ingredients and seasonings are added, and the stir fry is quickly sautéed. Efficacy: This method is suitable for external cough, sore throat, lung pain, chest full of hypochondriac pain and other diseases. [Ribberry Runfei Tea] Material: 3 grams of Campanulaceae, 3 grams of licorice, 2 grams of green tea. Practice: Mix the three into the cup for 10 minutes and drink. Efficacy: This tea has the effect of diverting lungs and reducing air, dispersing wind and clearing heat, suitable for wind-heat cough, phlegm and multi-color yellow, sore throat and so on. Side effects and contraindications of platycodon grandiflorum 1, yin deficiency and long-term cough 2, where the gas machine on the reverse, vomiting, cough, dizziness, Yin Huowang, hemoptysis, etc. should not be used. 3, stomach and duodenal ulcers are carefully taken to the platycodon grandiflorum. 4, should not be able to take an excessive amount of platycodon grandiflorum. 5, Campanulaceae is white and longan, gentian. The platycodon avoids pork.

Technical requirements for quality of Guanling Platycodon grandiflorum 1. Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A.DC. Second, the site conditions The altitude range of the production area is 800m to 1500m, the soil type is yellow brown soil, texture loam, sandy loam soil, pH value 5.0 to 7.0, soil organic matter content ≥1.0%, soil layer thickness ≥30cm. Third, cultivation management 1, breeding methods: the use of seed breeding. 2, sowing: (1) time: spring sowing, mid-April to early May; autumn sowing, mid-October to late. (2) Way: broadcast or spread. The seedling density is ≤ 450,000 plants per hectare. 4, field management: non-retained field should promptly remove convulsions, two-year-old platycodon only leaves a strong stem, and the rest of the ground stems are removed in time. 5. Fertilization: Apply 20,000 tons of organic fertilizer per hectare per year. 6. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. 4. Harvesting and processing 1. Harvesting: harvesting after ≥24 months in the growing period, the harvesting time is in the middle and late October of each year. 2, processing: wash the soil, cut off the head, use a non-metallic utensils to scrape the skin. Dry or dry, drying temperature ≤ 70 ° C, dry to moisture ≤ 14%. V. Quality characteristics 1. Sensory characteristics: cylindrical or slightly spindle-shaped, with few branches, 7 to 20 cm in length and 0.7 to 2 cm in diameter. The surface is white or yellowish white. The mass is heavy, hard and not easy to break. The section is chrysanthemum-shaped, the skin is white, and the wood is yellowish white. The taste is slightly sweet and bitter. 2, physical and chemical indicators: leachate ≥ 20.0%, platycodon saponin D ≥ 0.10%. 3. Safety and other quality technical requirements: Product safety and other quality technical requirements must comply with relevant national regulations.

Apply to:
Producers within the scope of the Guanling Platycodon can submit an application to the Guanling County Market Supervision Administration for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which will be reviewed by the Guizhou Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and announced to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine for approval. The inspection mechanism of Guanling Platycodon is selected by the Guizhou Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision in the testing institutions that meet the qualification requirements.