Linzhi Matsutake

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Linzhi Matsutake mushroom is rich in fat, rich in aroma, rich in nutrients, contains a variety of amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids and essential trace elements, vitamins, dietary fiber, a variety of active enzymes, including the unique anti-cancer substance - Matsutake alcohol, is the country Two rare wild edible mushrooms. The average annual output of Linzhi Matsutake is more than 600 tons, and the quantity of commodities is about 550 tons. Because of its unique edible value, it is well received by the people inside and outside the country.

Tricholoma matsutake is the "king of bacteria", rich in crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber and vitamins B1, B2, vitamin C, vitamin PP and a variety of amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, nucleic acid derivatives, peptides and other rare elements, Can strengthen the kidney, anti-cancer and anti-radiation. What is even more rare is that it tastes delicious and smooth. Before 1987, Matsutake was raised in the squat of the cockroach, and when it was sold, one kilogram was only two cents! The Tibetans are too lazy to go up the mountain to collect, and most of the pine mushrooms are rotten in the mountains. After 1987, the Japanese came here. The annual output of Matsutake is 300 tons, and the Japanese buy 100 tons. The local income is rich, and the pine mushroom turns into a noble, and it is a step in the sky! The terrain and landform types in the Nyingchi area are complex and diverse, and the microclimates are very different. The rain and heat are in the same season, the temperature is moderate, the precipitation is concentrated, the illumination is ideal, the utilization rate of the photothermal water resources is high, which is conducive to the growth of the pine mushroom, which lays a good foundation for the stable production, high yield and high quality of the pine mushroom. At the same time, due to the difference in the high variation of precipitation in the Nyingchi region, the wet and semi-wet types are combined, and the combination of different hydrothermal types forms various three-dimensional climate systems. In the middle and lower parts of the mountain, the climate is warm and the water is sufficient, which is an ideal place for the production of natural pine mushrooms. The mushroom is rich in fat, has aroma and tastes delicious. It is a valuable wild edible fungus with high nutritional value. In particular, the pine sylvestris produced in the world only in Linzhi, Tibet, has a wide variety of foods at home and abroad. It is suitable for cooking, frying and boiling. It can be eaten raw, cooked, dried, or served with dishes. Compared with other areas of Matsutake, according to domestic and foreign diners, Linzhi Matsutake food is fresh and delicious, with a strong flavor, delicate meat, smooth and smooth taste, taste like fish, and after-savory after-savory taste is intriguing. In addition to rich in protein and amino acids, Linzhi Matsutake also contains more vitamins and hormones. The pine mushroom glycan can resist tumor growth and thus has a certain anti-cancer effect. The local people used Matsutake to treat numbness of hands and feet, backache and leg pain, and urinary turbidity. It is also believed that Linzhi Matsutake has the effect of concentrating the kidney and strengthening the kidney, and can improve the secretory disorder and sexual dysfunction in menopause. Matsutake soup: firstly dip two kinds of wild bacteria with cold water. If the wild bacteria are washed away from the beginning, the water soaked can also be used, soaked for two or three hours, and then boiled with water and water. Put in two bacteria, in order to enhance the beauty effect, you can also add a few scorpions, it is better to add chicken meat under conditions. It is better to cook it in a small fire for an hour or two.

Linzhi Matsutake quality technical requirements First, the source of local Matsutake. Second, the site conditions are 2200 to 4500 meters above sea level, the soil type is yellow brick red soil, yellow soil, brown soil, bleached ash dark brown soil, pH value 6.3 to 6.5, organic matter content ≥ 2.9%. Third, harvesting 1. Harvesting time: July 15 to September 30. 2. Harvesting standard: The fruiting body length ≥6cm can be harvested. Fourth, the processing technology within 48h after harvesting must be processed. 1. Processing of fresh pine mushrooms. Process: fresh pine mushroom → finishing → scraping mud foot → rinse → finished product. 2. Frozen frozen pine processing. Process: fresh pine mushroom → finishing → scraping mud foot → rinsing → rapid blanching → quick freezing → grading packaging → frozen storage → finished product. Processing points: (1) rapid blanching: water temperature 95 to 100 ° C, time 3 to 5 s; (2) quick freezing: quick freezing temperature -35 to -40 ° C, product center temperature ≤ -18 ° C. 3. Dry processing of pine mushrooms. Process: fresh pine mushroom → scraping mud foot → rinsing → slicing → drying → grading packaging → finished product. Processing points: dry with hot air, drying temperature ≤ 60 ° C, moisture content ≤ 12%. V. Quality Features 1. Sensory characteristics: fresh pine mushroom: rich in flavor, large mushroom body, tender and tender, strong and complete bacteria, full and elastic meat, undeveloped cap, light brown or light brown or dark brown. Fruit body length ≥6cm; quick-frozen pine mushroom: whole mushroom fruit body is complete, the color is light yellow to light brown normal color, the slice shape is complete, the cap is connected with the stipe, the thickness is even, the color is grayish white, slightly yellow; dry pine : The tablet is complete, the cap is connected with the stipe, the color is grayish white, the edge is light brown, and it has the smell of Linzhi pine. 2. Physical and chemical indicators: project indicators fresh pine mushroom, frozen pine, pine mushroom, pine mushroom, pine antler alcohol / (mg / kg) ≥ 20.0020.00100.00 protein / (g / 100g) ≥ 2.102.1010.50 total amino acid (hydrolysis) / (g / 100g) ≥ 1.841. 849.20 Moisture content / (%) ≥ 85 ≥ 85 ≤ 103. Safety and other quality technical requirements: Product safety and other quality technical requirements must comply with relevant national regulations.

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Producers within the scope of Linzhi Matsutake's production area may apply to the Linzhi Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision of the Tibet Autonomous Region for the use of the \"Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products\", which shall be reviewed by the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of the Tibet Autonomous Region and reported to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine for approval. The testing organization of Linzhi Matsutake is selected by the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of the Tibet Autonomous Region in the testing institutions that meet the qualification requirements.