Top famous-restaurant restaurant in xinjiang

Hotan City, the ancient market Yulongkashi have Mingakeda grilled bun shop

Yulong Kashgar River town named because Yulongkashi, there Yulongkashi town in the well-known Xinjiang, "Akdag" baked buns, roasted whole lamb, kebabs, lamb pilaf, encapsulated meat. Yulong Kashi town of Hotan Prefecture Akdag baked buns are the best to eat baked buns, on January 16, 2007 incorporated in Hotan Prefecture Hotan City of Industry. Akdag baked buns facade is not great, basically semi-open. Buns here a large thin, imported delicious, packaging is said to have flown to Beijing and other places.


Shihezi small four pastry shop is located in Shihezi City, the bustling commercial street, happiness Road and west road intersection, is an individual-owned enterprises, the company called "Shihezi small four restaurants." Founder because at home was the fourth eldest, makes easy to remember, so named for the "little four" and registered the "little four" trademark in 2004. Xinjiang local snacks business: Ganmian skin, cool skin, beef tendon noodles, vermicelli, high egg noodles, noodles, etc. and making sales, due to the sale of products with surface-based materials, so collectively, the "little four dough."